Thursday, October 31, 2019

Retention of Heritage Language as a Means of Encouraging Bilingual Essay

Retention of Heritage Language as a Means of Encouraging Bilingual Education Among Immigrants - Essay Example In this study, we examine the place of heritage language among immigrants and how this can form an important aspect of â€Å"America’s push to becoming a fully integrative and bilingual nation† (Chiswick and Miller 119). It should not be taken to mean that all in the American society share in the view that bilingual is a positive thing. In any case, the debate appears to be a divisive matter among scholars, policymakers and politicians. This study seeks to delve into the overall debate and demonstrate why heritage language is an opportune way of achieving this goal. Close reference will be given to the Hispanics; Hispanics are the fastest growing group of immigrants in United States. Bilingualism is a reality in modern day world. Firstly, the world’s projected 5000 languages are used in the globe’s 200 countries, representing an average of 25 languages for every state; â€Å"this means that interactions between citizens of numerous world countries clearly require extensive bilingualism† (Bhatia and Ritchie 1). At the moment, the processes of globalization are now in progress these developments heighten the extent and character of multilingualism, as citizens across the globe build awareness on the merits of adding a world language to their verbal repertoires (Bhatia and Ritchie 1). One must consider that, far from being exceptional, as most people believe, bilingualism and in extension multilingualism is at present the tenet all over the world and will turn out to be progressively more so in the future. Bilingualism is the ability to communicate in two languages. There is a difference between individuals and social bilingualism as well... This paper approves that parents and siblings are typically important in a student’s multi-literacy development. They often provide a literacy ‘eco-system’ where there is mutual support, adaptability, and linguistic survival and spread. Different languages may mean differing roles. This report makes a conclusion that heritage language degeneration is widespread in modern society, especially in U.S. where policies, social, economic as well as political activities are conducted in English. Most immigrants feel alienated mainly due to their insufficiency in the English language. Thus their first step is to learn English and sideline their heritage language albeit to gain acceptance from their native counterparts. This translates to a slow but sure death of the heritage language. This loss is not only a blow to efforts aimed at developing bilingualism but it also affects the culture and identity of the immigrants. Sooner or later, they feel misplaced and isolated as they lack a particular community, or society they can completely associate with. As gathered from this text, these are misplaced fears, as proved, retaining the heritage language does not in any way affect one’s capacity to understand a second language in any case it enhances one’s linguis tic capacity. In this case, there is no need to do away with the heritage language as a prerequisite in understanding English. This fact underlines the main point of this study that immigrants need to foster their heritage language even as they cultivate their understanding of the second language.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in The Rye Essay Example for Free

Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in The Rye Essay The Catcher in the Rye the reader can see the world through his eyes as he is the one narrating the story in first person. Holden is a young teenager, the age of sixteen who is emotionally disturbed and confused boy who is entering the journey of adulthood. Holden is a typical teenager who is rather irritated and disgusted by the society that surrounds him. To me he comes across as a witty individual because of the way he makes fun of, as he likes to call it the phony people in society he comes across with in the novel. He is from a family formed of two parents who seem to be quite wealthy, as they live in an expensive part of New York most people have to be wealthy to live in New York. Holden also was two bothers, D.B. and Allie, Allie whom is dead at the age of thirteen and he has a younger sister Phoebe. During the novel we discover that Holden is rather depressed young man because of his past, with the death of his brother and the failings of his grades in the recent schools he has attended to, he has become unhappy which leads him to have a breakdown. It seems that Holden is very dissatisfied with life and has never had any help during his time of confusion so I figure he is rather week and in some parts of the novel he feels like committing suicide. Holden has a huge sense of moral values, which often seems to interfere with other peoples loss of values. Because of other peoples values he gets frustrated and thinks people are phony. Holden seems to be a rather mean person as you read his feelings and how he feels towards people but it is only what he thinks. When Holden does something wrong he feels really guilty about his behavior and it often eats him up inside. Like the time when he went out with Sally Hayes and he calls her a pain in the ass when she refuses to run away with him, after he feels really guilty and can barely stop thinking about it. He is also a person who cant get things out of his mind when things bother him like when Ward Stradlater goes out with his old girlfriend Jane Gallagher; throughout the novel he thinks about it a lot and wonders how the date went. Holden hates the movies and loves books. Holden behavior while he is in New York going to bars and meeting women he acts like a adult by smoking and drinking, but he is very critical to others that live that kind of lifestyle. It would be rather hard to see myself as Holden or even acting like him even for a day because Im very different from him and Im not as critical towards people as he is. I think it would be difficult to be friends with him because I would always be wondering what he is thinking about me and usually when he does think of someone it is always in a negative way. But still it was easy to identify him because I have friends that are sort of like him and they act the same way.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Symptoms Of Dementia Health And Social Care Essay

The Symptoms Of Dementia Health And Social Care Essay Dementia is a group of symptoms affecting intellectual and social abilities, severely enough to interfere with daily functioning. It is caused by conditions or changes in the brain. Dementia is the loss of mental functions such as thinking, memory, and reasoning that interferes with a persons daily life and activities, Different types of dementia exist, depending on the cause. Alzheimers disease is the most common type. Dementia is a loss of the mind, it could be static which results from global brain injury or it could be progressive which results in long term decline in cognitive function (Hopkins). Dementia indicates problems with at least two brain functions, such as memory loss along with impaired judgment or language. Dementia has never been known to be a disease but a group of symptoms that causes diseases and conditions, some symptoms are changes in personality, mood, and behavior. Dementia can make someone confused and unable to remember the names and important people in the ir lives like the name of children, husband, sisters and brothers. Some cases of dementia can be treated or cured because the cause is treatable, like dementia caused by substance abuse e.g. street drugs, alcohol, controlled substances, dementia caused by severe depression. This is known as pseudo-dementia (false dementia) and is treatable. In most cases, a true dementia cannot be cured, because of some causes that are curable and partially treated; doctors must be thorough in making the decisions so as not to miss potentially treatable conditions. The frequency of treatable causes of dementia is believed to be about 10 % (WebMD 2010). Dementia is classified as cortical or sub cortical depending on the area that is affected. Cortical dementia affects the cerebral cortex or the outer layer of the brain; the cortex is a sheet of neural tissue that is outermost to the cerebrum of the mammalian brain. It plays a key role in memory, attention, thinking, awareness, consciousness and langu could lead to problems with memory, thinking, and language, difficulty comprehending written or spoken material. Subcortical dementia results from dysfunction in the other brain areas below the cortex; it is the portion of the brain immediately below the cerebral cortex, this is a categorized dementia which can also bring about memory loss, degradation in thinking ability as well as changes in movement and emotions (Hopkins 2010). There are some related Dementia; Mild cognitive impairment is a transition stage between the cognitive decline of normal aging and the more serious problems caused by Alzheimers disease. This disorder can affect the language, writing and reading and could probably cause memory loss. Vascular dementia is the form of dementia that the condition is more than one; it is a group of syndromes relating to different vascular mechanisms. It is preventable and the early detection and an accurate diagnosis are important. Mixed dementia is a condition in which Alzheimers disease and vascular dementia occur at the same time, Dementia with Lewy body is a progressive declined disease or syndrome of the brain with several diseases, especially with two common diseases of older adults, Alzheimers and Parkinsons. Parkinson disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferers motor skills, speech, and other functions, Huntington disease, it is a genetically p rogrammed degeneration of nerve cells in certain areas of the brain. This degeneration causes uncontrolled movements, loss of intellectual faculties, and emotional disturbance. Creutzfeldt-jacob disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a rare, degenerative, neurological disorder that is invariably fatal and incurable. Normal pressure hydrocephalus is a condition in which there is too much cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles. This occurs when the natural system for draining and absorbing extra cerebrospinal fluid does not work right. Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome is a neurological disorder that could be acute or chronic which is caused by the deficiency in the B vitamin thiamine, Frontotemporal dementia is a degenerative condition of the part of the brain it is a clinical syndrome caused by degeneration of the frontal lobe of the brain and may extend back to the temporal lobe, It is one of three syndromes caused by frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Dementia has lots of symptoms and all varies depending on the cause, the common ones are memory loss, difficulty in performing activities of daily living, inappropriate behavior, aggitation, personality changes, difficulty with coordination and motor function. Dementia can be diagnoses in different ways; the doctor determines the kind of test, it is important for the doctors to rule out the curable dementia, like depression, normal pressure hydrocephalus, or vitamin B12 deficiency which can cause the same symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment is important for the patient. The different ways of diagnosing is autopsy to confirm or refine the clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer disease, the patient history so as to help the doctor rule out some conditions, physical examination to help the doctor rule out the treatable and curable cause of dementia and identify some other illness in the body which and coincide with dementia, neurological examination to assess the sensory neuron and motor neuron, especially reflexes to determi ne if the nervous system is functioning and to determine a movement disorder or stroke that may affect the patients diagnosis, lab test to rule out some symptoms like kidney failure that could contribute to the cause of dementia, the test includes complete blood count, urinalysis, blood glucose test, cerebrospinal fluid analysis etc. Brain scan to detect abnormalities of the brain the size of 5 mm and larger, it can also be used by doctors to identify stroke, tumor or other problems that causes dementia, there are different kinds of brain scan which are, computed tomography (CT) which combines special x-ray equipment with complicated computers to produce multiple images or pictures of the inside of the brain. These images of the area being studied can then be examined on a computer monitor, printed or transferred to a CD and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) used in radiology to visualize detailed internal structure and limited function of the body. Psychiatric evaluation used to det ermine there is depression including sad, hopeless or worthless, or another form of psychiatric disorder which may be contributing to the symptoms of dementia, and presymptomatic testing is used when no treatment available stands in contrast to genetic testing done for the diagnosis of the dementia (White). There is no specific treatment for dementia; the treatment is to treat the cause. Patient with dementia needs to be under the supervision of medical care to focus on the quality care, medication and treatments such as therapy, and family members to help in activities of daily living, and to help the patient cope with many challenges. The goal of treatment is to control the symptoms of the disease; some patient might be hospitalized for a short period of time. The available drugs that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved to determine the treatment of behavioral disorder in patient with dementia is antipsychotic medication which includes, Risperdal, Seroquel, Zyprexa and Abilify, they are used to reduce the psychotic symptoms of dementia and allow the patient to function effective and appropriately (FDA 2005). Drugs for treatment of dementia should be avoided unless they are really necessary, before any of these drugs are prescribed doctors make sure the patient is physicall y healthy, comfortable and well taken care of. Some symptoms that also be treated is when patient is pain, have problems with sight and have difficulty hearing, all this can make patient more confused and increase their vulnerability. It is essential for patients to take the drugs exactly as prescribed to make it effective, but if the symptoms are not controlled the doctor may refer the patient to a specialist for further advice. There are some possible side effects of these drugs that may worsen the symptoms which are muscle stiffness, tremor, anemia, depression, heart failure, infection, nutritional disorder, hypoxia and abnormal movements, which must be listed on the drug guide. The doctor usually starts the medication with low dose and gradually increase the dose until the desired outcome is achieved. It is important to inform the doctor about any other drug that the patient is taking to avoid contraindications and once treatment is established it is important to review it regul arly. In most cases these drugs should not be prescribed for more than three months and patient should not assume that if the has been proved to be effective does not mean it is going to be effective on them. There are some more drugs that can be prescribed which are mood stabilizer (citalopram, fluoxetine, and imipramine), stimulant (methylphenidate) and serotonin affecting drugs (trazodone, buspirone), information on how to take this drugs must be provided by the doctor or pharmacist. What is Alzheimer? Alzheimers disease is a brain disorder named after German physician Alois Alzheimer, who first described it in 1906 Alzheimers, it is irreversible, slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, perception memory and thinking skills, and even the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. It is cited as number one mental health among people age 60 and the risk goes up as you get older. The risk is also higher if a family member has had the disease. Alzheimer is a progressive disorder that starts in the brain in the area that involves thought, memory and language. It is characterized by the stage of increasing impairment and dependency (alz.org2010). People with Alzheimer disease may have trouble remembering things that happened recently or names of people. The earliest sign of Alzheimer disease is behavior such as suspiciousness and a thought process heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion, angry, outburst, withdrawal. Over the time the symptoms of Alzheimer gets worse, they tends to forget how to speak, write, read, brush their teeth, comb their hair and even forget family members this might make them aggressive, wander around, and get stressed. The cause of Alzheimer disease is unknown but lots of factors have been explored. There is no single test that can detect Alzheimer but the disease is diagnosed by some symptoms, some findings on neurological examination and some result from diagnostic test. The tests show the possible sign and symptoms. The pathological hallmark associated with Alzheimers disease is amyloid plaque and neurofibrillary tangles, amyloid is found between nerve cells in the brain. Amyloids are insoluble fibrous protein aggregates sharing specific structural traits that the body produces normally, in an healthy brain the amyloid are broken and diminishes but in an Alzheimers disease the amyloi d form hard and insoluble plaques. Neurofibrillary tangles are also found in the brain of Alzheimer disease patients, this is the accumulation of twisted protein filaments within neurons of the cerebral cortex; a characteristic pathological feature found in the brains of Alzheimers disease patients. In Alzheimers disease, there is an overall shrinkage of brain tissue and theories have proved that there is no cure for it. The part of the brain called sulci are widened while the part called gyri shrunk. The ventricle that contains the cerebrospinal fluid is enlarged. The disease Alzheimer is affecting over 5.3 millions of Americans; it cost over $148 billion annually to take care of an Alzheimers patient (Alazraki). In the early stages of Alzheimers disease, the short-term memory begins to fade, when the cells in the brain begins to diminishes, the ability to perform routine tasks declines. As Alzheimers disease spreads through the cerebral cortex judgment declines, emotional outbursts may occur and language is impaired. As the disease progresses, more nerve cells die, leading to changes in behavior, such as wandering and agitation. In the final stages of the disease, people may lose the ability to recognize faces and communicate; they normally cannot control bodily functions and require constant care. Physicians discuss with the patient and family which tests are most appropriate to establish the correct diagnosis but there is no test that diagnose Alzheimer disease, but the disease is diagnosed by the symptoms, firstly patients have to complete a physical examination to rule out some symptoms, the patient the patient mental status and neuropsychological will be assessed to determine which thinking and memory function may be affected. The patient may have a psychiatric assessment to rule out some mental illness and depression. The patient may be asked to do a brain scan (MRI, CT scan, and PET scan) to help detect signs and symptoms of stroke that can bring changes to the structure of brain associated with thinking. Blood test may be ordered to check for infection, kidney and liver function, electrolyte level, thyroid disorder and other factors that can cause memory loss. Other tests that sometimes provide important diagnostic information include electroencephalogram (EEG), urine t ests, and tests on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) obtained by a lumbar puncture. The possible drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are tacrine which should be taken on an empty stomach, one hour before, or two hours after meals. If stomach upset occurs, it may be taken with meals; however, food can decrease tacrine blood levels significantly. The possible side effect of this drug is diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, muscle ache and loss of appetite. Donepezil is expected to delay the onset of Alzheimer disease for about one year in people suffering from mild cognitive impairment; it belongs to a class of drugs called cholinesterase inhibitors, it inhibits acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme responsible for the destruction of one neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. The possible side effects associated with this drug include headache, generalized pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss, dizziness, muscle cramping, joint pain, diarrhea, insomnia, and increased frequency of urination. Namenda was actually prescribed for moderate to severe stage Alzheimer disease but now is being prescribed even in earlier stages of the disease, Namenda is an orally active receptor antagonist that regulates the activity of glumate in the brain. Cholinesterase inhibitors are used to treat cognitive functions and behavioral symptoms in Lewy body disease. Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine derivative with anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant, it is generally considered to be among the long-acting benzodiazepines and Opiate drugs used to relieve pain. Antipsychotic drugs not approved by FDA are sometimes used to treat agitation include, Risperidone Benzodiazepines and drugs such as Olanzapine , Quetiapine , Ziprasadone .The drugs increase the risk of death in elderly patients and the side effects include sedation, confusion and increased muscle tone. CITATION Charles L. White, Autopsy for dementia 2010 Croft, Harry. Psychiatric medication medication for mental illness 5 may 2010 Alazraki, Melly. Nothing you can do will help daily finance 5/01/10. 11.00am Hopkins, John. Special Report. 7thth ed. New York: new York Times, 2009. Print. Kesner, Julian. Three new dementia fighters. Prevention Jan. 2009: 104. Professional Collection. Web. 04 May, 2010 2010

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Ideals Of Instrumental Music Essay -- essays research papers

At one point in the study of the Romantic period of music, we come upon the first of several apparently opposing conditions that plague all attempts to grasp the meaning of Romantic as applied to the music of the 19th century. This opposition involved the relation between music and words. If instrumental music is the perfect Romantic art, why is it acknowledged that the great masters of the symphony, the highest form of instrumental music, were not Romantic composers, but were the Classical composers, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven? Moreover, one of the most characteristic 19th century genres was the Lied, a vocal piece in which Shubert, Schumann, Brahams, and Wolf attained a new union between music and poetry. Furthermore, a large number of leading composers in the 19th century were extremely interested and articulate in literary expression, and leading Romantic novelists and poets wrote about music with deep love and insight. The conflict between the ideal of pure instrumental music (absolute music) as the ultimate Romantic mode of expression, and the strong literary orientation of the 19th century, was resolved in the conception of program music. Program music, as Liszt and others in the 19th century used the term, is music associated with poetic, descriptive, and even narrative subject matter. This is done not by means of musical figures imitating natural sounds and movements, but by imaginative suggestion. Program music aimed ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Humans Are Responsible For Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay

Global heating is the following large impact that will convey about a alteration in the conditions forms. By definition, Global Warming is the addition in mean temperature that bit by bit warms the Earth ‘s ambiance. It is a phenomenon, which has been on the rise but in the last century, the addition in the degrees have been dismaying. ( George ChristodoulouA ,2006 ) .Global warming has caused a batch of alterations to the environment on a negative mode. Harmonizing to the survey by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) , it is observed that the addition in planetary mean temperature has been caused due to an addition in nursery gas concentrations. ( Slashman, 2007 ) . Global heating can hold many different causes, but it is most normally associated with human intervention, specifically the release of inordinate sums of nursery gases. ( EPA, 2006 ) .It is either caused by either worlds or animate beings, or natural causes. Global heating is no more a myth but a fast approaching world, which in the long term will convey the much feared ice age that will pass over out all populating being on Earth. The latest IPCC study states â€Å" widespread mass losingss from glaciers and decreases in snow screen over recent decennaries are projected to speed up throughout the twenty-first century, cut downing H2O handiness, hydropower possible, and altering seasonality of flows in parts supplied by melt H2O from major mountain scopes ( e.g. Hindu-Kush, Himalaya, Andes ) , where more than one-sixth of the universe population presently lives. † ( Geneva, 2010 ) . Global heating has caused a major addition of heat towards the Earth ‘s ambiance and it is still impacting boulder clay today due to human activities. Although some people think that planetary heating happens due to natural factors, it is scientifically proved that worlds are responsible for planetary heating. The intent of this paper is to indicate out the irresponsible people doing planetary heating and to non fault planetary heating occurs due to natural factors. There are many scientific and logical factors of planetary heating are caused by human activities. The chief factor is due to the depletion of ozone bed of the ambiance which happens in the stratosphere. Why the ozone does go dilutant or makes a hole? It is because the release of CFC ( CFC ) gases. Human ‘s utilizations air conditioners to do the hot environment ice chest, but what they do n't look to recognize is that they are doing the ambiance even hotter. Air conditioners releases CFC gas when it is turned on. The CFC gas will respond with the ozone bed and deplete or do a hole. Besides that, iceboxs besides release CFC gases when it is opened. Slowly they start infiltrating into the upper beds of the ambiance and shortly make the ozone rich stratosphere, where they undergo major chemical alterations. ( H. A Khemani, 2010 ) . The CFC gas will shortly disintegrate and the Cl atom will respond with the ozone molecule and alterations to oxygen molecule. As shortly the ozone be d alterations to oxygen molecule the ozone bed will be depleted. The most lurid fact about Chlorofluorocarbons is that they have exceptionally long atmospheric life which, in certain instances, even extends to 100 old ages. This means that if CFC refrigerants are leaked in the ambiance, they will maintain consuming ozone bed for the following 100 old ages to come. ( H. A Khemani, 2010 ) . There are other stuffs used by worlds that release CFC gas such as chemical sprays and combustion of Styrofoam stuffs. Furthermore, the addition of C dioxide degree leads to climatic alteration. Worlds are the chief people to breathe green house gasses to the environment. They emit them in a assortment of ways. The burning dodo fuel by human activities releases green house gas which is C dioxide. When there is a rise in the per centum of C dioxide in the air, the sum of heat captured by the C dioxide besides increases. ( Bidisha Mukherjee, 2010 ) . As the sum of C dioxide degree addition in the ambiance heat is trapped inside the ambiance and causes warming of the Earth. Furthermore, coal combustion of power works besides increases the C degree in the ambiance. Burning coal produces about 9 billion metric tons of C dioxide each twelvemonth which is released to the ambiance, approximately 70 % of this being from power coevals. (, 2011 ) . In add-on mills emit more fume and harmful gases such as C dioxide, A methane, A and oxide. These gases do non merely increase the temperature of t he environment but causes injury to human and animate beings. The combustion of gasolene from transit besides contributes planetary warming on a big graduated table. Burning of gasolene will increase the sum of C monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a really harmful gas that it can do decease to populating beings. Dusts are besides accumulated in the ambiance. Brazil and Indonesia, which contain the universe ‘s two largest lasting parts of rain forest, are being stripped at an dismaying rate by logging, fires, and land-clearing for agribusiness and cattle-grazing. (, 2011 ) . Human activities of consuming forest illicitly have cause a major clime alteration to the environment. Men presents are selfish and do things on their favours. They think to upgrade the state with the betterment of engineering. The use of land for development of edifices makes them to cut down woods uncontrolled. Besides, illegal deforestation for importing logs to other states for concern intent causes planetary heating. Trees are needed to cut down the sum of C dioxide in the environment. By disforesting the sum will be greater and the Earth will finally acquire hotter. Excessive film editing of trees for urban usage and other intents is damaging to the environmental balance. ( Manali Oak,2011 ) . Opposition argues more with the point of political relations that plays a function in planetary heating excessively. Even those politicians who are brave plenty to contend for action on the issue are non stating us the whole truth. ( Mark Jeantheau, 2004 ) .The authorities is non responsible for the happening of planetary heating. They do non take any action towards illegal people who causes planetary heating and are money minded. On their head is ever bribe and do non believe about others. Public are non cognizant of this phenomena and take it easy. Government should be blamed for this due for non educating the populace about the effects of planetary heating and point out the effects.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Warm blasts of wind embraced Essays

Warm blasts of wind embraced Essays Warm blasts of wind embraced Essay Warm blasts of wind embraced Essay Warm blasts of wind embraced the figure in white standing all alone in the midst of the green grasses and weeds in the open field. He shuddered because even though the day was perfect, there was an uneasy feeling in the atmosphere. He took a few steps backwards because looking eastwards, the sun was blinding him. He turned around and ran into a door that seemed to appear out of thin air. He was puzzled for a moment as he reached forward to open the door. Just then, sounds of a bird came from up above and he turned his head upwards to have a look at it. It was a seagull flying high up in the sky in a straight line heading right over top of him.As the bird got closer to him, it bent his head down to look at the man in white, making eye contact, then it let go of a letter it was holding on to with his back legs. The bird made him nervous; its eyes were cold and lifeless. The envelope dropped a meter in front of him and kept on shifting on the ground as the wind moved it around yet it di d not lift of the ground. He tried to move forward to pick it up but froze in that moment as he looked up in the sky again. The sky above was no longer bright blue with the yellow sun shining above; it was turning grey as the clouds began to cover up the sun. He felt uneasy as if he was in a nightmare. He felt destruction coming towards him, he lusted for the destruction but his mind longed for a route to take, to escape the nightmares.Santiago backed away. His mind raced with images of death, bloodsheds, tears and guilt on faces of people he does not recognize. He backed away from the letter, further and further. The images did not stop. They flooded his brain. His soul was being plagued with these images. He closed his eyes hoping they would go away but they did not, they became more horrifying and he was forced to open his eyes. The nightmares were all of a sudden very real. There were people everywhere. They were dressed in whitefaces color drenchedlifeless eyes. They were the a bandoned angels. He was surrounded in a sea of white. There were not only adults.There were children, hundreds of them, more than he could possible imagine, all dressed in white. Every one of them was watching two figures ahead of them figures clothed entirely in red. The two figures just stood straight ahead of him and stared at Santiago like a statue. Nothing moved. No sound made. Next to him an albino child was praying, moving his lips, quietly forming his prayer, asking god for forgiveness, for mercy. The scene was haunting. He wanted to escape but he knew it was not possible. For a moment he closed his eyes again, and like a magnet he was attracted to the door that had reappeared behind him. His hands were then pinned perpendicular to the door and his legs forming an upside down v against it. He opened his eyes and saw the two red figures still standing in the same position. He tried to move but it was no use. The people around him were drawing around the two figures in red as if they were possessed.Frozen in the same position, he was forced to watch the crowd. The puppets and their masters stood still for what seemed like hours to look at him. They slowly started to turn their heads, except now the pale faces of the entire crowd was covered in crimson liquid. The little albino boy looked into his eyes, the same shade as the liquid on his face. They burned into him, warning him. This little boy, he saw everything in him. The red orbs were filled with satisfaction. He felt sharp strokes of pain coursing through his still body as He clenched his fists to stop himself from crying out in pain. He looked down his body. He had been slashed everywhere but no blood had come out. His white suit were spotless and his white shoes still shinning.There was no blood on the ground either. He looked up and realized that the crimson liquid that covered the faces of the crowd was probably his blood. The door suddenly disappeared; he fell to the ground hunched over and in p ain but now free to move. He saw that the red leaders were now looking at their feet holding swords covered in blood. They had cold smiles on their faces, looking satisfied. Something seemed to lie at the feet of the red leaders.He felt the anger radiating from the red leaders as he slowly made his way to where they stood. His breathing became worst and but he stayed composed and upright, trying to hide the pain, the discomfort and the fact that the crowd intimidated him. He was scared. When he reached the crowd, he pushed his way through them one by one. He finally reached the two red leaders and followed their gaze to where a body lay at their feet looking familiar.Santiago felt a cloud of sadness hover over him as he thought it may be someone he loved. He bent over and turned the dead body that lay faced down on the dirt covered ground. At that moment he was paralyzed. The body was not someone he loved. It was him. His once handsome visage was now severed, swimming in blood. It w as the same crimson blood that covered the faces of the sea of white that was surrounding him.The two figures now looked at him, holding long bloody swords in their hand and looking even more cold and emotionless than the fallen angels. In a split second, like fog lifting off of his vision, the faces of the strangers seemed clearer with details. But they were not strangers. The two figures in the red were two of his friends, the Vicario brothers. Most of the faces that met his were people he knew or loved. He felt betrayed and disgusted. Santiago tried to stand up but both brothers drove their bloody swords through his back. He cried out in agony but again no blood came out. Santiago ran out of energy but he still struggled to stand up. The crowd watched him agonize and did not help him. After a few minutes they all started walking away from him.The man dressed in white now lay in the middle of the dirty field covered with his own blood, as the heavens cried out in pain over the los s of a hero. The fallen hero who was betrayed by everyone he knew, everyone that had the power to help him failed. Tears poured down from heaven, the cold body lay on the grass as day gave into the night and the ice cold tears tortured the already dead body to another painful death.