Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Macbeth Diary - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 819 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Macbeth Essay Did you like this example? Today has been one of my busiest days. I have spent a better part of the day on a battlefield, and fortunately, we won the battle. It is an awkward feeling after seeing thousands in a pool of blood. Banquo, my friend, seems undaunted by the war. We were saddling our horses back to King Duncans territory. However, a strange thing happened. Three witches appeared to me and seemed to utter somethings regarding my future. However, it seems impossible because I have never believed in witches. A king? Well, how about Duncan. Does it mean that someone will have to kill him? Maybe, I will have to take the opportunity now that we have a meeting tomorrow and kill him. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Macbeth Diary" essay for you Create order King Duncan awards me with the title Thane of Cawdor for winning the war. I will have to write a letter to my wife, Lady Macbeth, and inform her to help me in making a wise decision. I know she has the idea regarding the procedure that I will use to ascend to power. Probably, the visitation by the witches has some implications. Journal Entry #2 My wife has already received the letter. She is aware that the King will be coming tomorrow to celebrate the victory. I am glad that she has welcomed the idea of killing King Duncan so that I can take over the position. She has portrayed her loyalty, and I will strive not to disappoint her. However, with all the trust I have earned from the king, is it a wise decision to shove the dagger in this mans chest. I am baffled, but I respect my wifes choice. We will have to terminate the king in a discreet way that no one will ever suspect. Lady Macbeth’s encouragement to proceed as planned is overwhelming. We will wait till the King goes to sleep and I will have to stab him on the chest. I will have to set up the bodyguard so that no one will suspect. After all, I will be the king, and the whole kingdom will be mine when all goes well. I cannot wait for tonight. Will I succeed? This murder is the only step that I need to accomplish to be crowned as a King. Journal Entry #3 It was successful. No one has any leads to the king murder. However, I almost freaked out and messed the whole plan. Thanks to my wife who did not lose hope but encouraged me to pursue the project. She played a significant role by drugging all the servants, and we confirmed everyone was asleep during the incident. I almost disappointed her because of my fears and the weird feelings I had killed one of the most powerful men in the kingdom. However, the witches assured me that I would be the King, and now I am the King of Scotland. I will never forget this day. The evil secret will forever be between my wife and me. Journal Entry #4 I cannot believe I will have to do this again. Banquo is my friend, but I can never allow anyone to take the crown from me. I will have to demolish him. I hate to do this, but I have to do whatever it takes to protect my kingship. I will not have to do it myself but delegate the task to the best swordsmen. Anyone threatening my crown must die by the sword. I need to consult the witches on the way forward regarding the Macduff’s issue. I have found the witches; they told me that Macduff is the bone of contention. He will attempt to snatch the crown but will never be successful. They have just instilled some confidence, and I know that I do not have to be paranoid about anything. Moreover, they assured me that the kingdom was mine long before I even decided. But I am still afraid of this tyrant, Macduff. Journal Entry #5 Today, I curse the day I met those filthy creatures. They deceived me that the Kingdom of Scotland was mine. How I wish I knew I have been living a charmed life. I regret having killed kind Duncan because of the rigged thoughts that were influenced by these creatures. I never knew leadership comes with responsibility and it is not a bed of roses. I know I have not been the best king for Scotland, after killing everyone that tried to snatch the throne from me. We have fought in the battlefields and won. Conversely, this is not going to be an easy fight. The confrontation with Macduff has been one of my biggest nightmares since I ascended to power. It is regrettable that what I have worked for in all these years are coming to an end. Building an empire from the dark forces and seeking their advice. It was not my wish to fail you Scotland. It shall be well.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Classic Principal of Argument Essay example - 891 Words

Classical Principle of Argument - What the Waters Revealed DeAnna Alexander ENG/215 November 26, 2012 Lois Theisen Classical Principle of Argument - What the Waters Revealed Every writer wants to reach their audience and persuade them to his or her point of view. They want to show and maintain authority in an argument, whether in writing or face-to-face. To accomplish that goal, a writer should imply the three classical principles of argument; ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos occurs when an author gains respect based on his or her character. Authors use ethos to convince their audience based on his or her character. Authors using pathos in an argument, it persuades the audience through emotions. Logos supports the argument by†¦show more content†¦Jim Willis’ efforts in pulling out a reader’s emotions are successful when he gives vivid details of what the poor people had to go through during the tragic times of Hurricane Katrina. Willis places his audience in the core of the effects of the hurricane and makes them feel as if they are victims themselves by giving visuals of what such tragedy caused. He expresses that, â€Å"The vulne rability of the poorest children in New Orleans has been especially riveting to many Americans, especially to other parents. Many say they had trouble holding back their tears when they saw mothers with their babies stranded on rooftops crying for help or jammed into dangerous and dirty places waiting for help to arrive† (Lamm amp; Everett, 2007, p. 491). This statement pulls the emotions of the reader in because Willis uses his own words to arouse the audiences’ feelings. Poverty in America is not something that an individual can make up, it is a fact about how some Americans live and have lived for a long time. Logos in an essay forms from how effective evidence supports the authors’ logics and facts. Jim Willis uses support from other sources to display the logos in the essay when he gave statistics on the poverty percentage in America. He indicates that the war on poverty has been around for years but kept invisible up until Hurricane Katrina. In addition,Sho w MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Lesson The Ring Of Recollection Essay936 Words   |  4 Pagesplanning research this hypothesis in academically. The ancient myth, no matter west or east and south or north, often depicts very important principal concept for the art, culture, thought, identity, philosophy and so on. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Heredity Nature Versus Nurture and Development Free Essays

Does heredity affect your personality, or is it your environment. Many psychologists have been back and forth on this question for years. Both of them can affect your behavior and development, but which one affects it the most? Heredity and environment are both leading causes of how a human being acts, and functions. We will write a custom essay sample on Heredity: Nature Versus Nurture and Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now From the heredity standpoint, however, it is proven that heredity does play a part in a person’s development and behavior. In a twin study, they proved that identical (monozygotic) children have more similarities living together and being separated and living with two different families than the fraternal (dizygotic) twins that are raised together in the same home. Having the same genes that your parents have, such as: eye color, skin color, and hair color somehow means that you have a partial genetic makeup as your parent, which could mean that you could also inherit their development and behavior. From an environmental standpoint, they also make a logical point. Effects of early nutrition and toxic substances can also affect a person’s development and behavior. Many things can affect your behavior and development. It really just depends on what you believe or if you believe both. There are certain traits that a person has that is either considered physical or behavioral characteristics. To pick three behavioral traits for me personally, I would pick warmth, reasoning, and self-reliance. Warmth being affection or kindness, I believe that it was caused by my environment. My family, and close friends all have a â€Å"warm† side. I was always surrounded by generous people that always showed affection. Reasoning: finding an answer using various possibilities. Instead of being stubborn, I like to look at different problems in a different point of view. This trait is most likely a trait that I received through my environment, also. Self-reliance, I would most definitely say was inherited through my environment because of the things that I saw as a child. I watched my cousins rely on other people besides themselves and they are not doing well at all because of the mistake that they made to rely on someone else, rather than doing it themselves. Psychical characteristics, such as: thin hair, blue eyes, and the shape of my feet are all caused by my families heredity. My feet look identical to my fathers, I get my blue eyes from my father, and my hair being as thin as it is I get from my mother. There are certain traits affect development and behavior. Heredity and environment playing major roles. I believe that nurture has more to do with your behavior and development than nature does. Yes, you do receive traits from your parents such as psychical traits but, I believe that your environment determines our development and behavior. Effects of early nutrition (Ricciuti, 1993; S. A. Rose, 1994; Sigman Whaley, 1998) concluded that malnutrition to an infant can cause a child to have limited neurological development and have long term impact on cognitive development. Another research study, Effects of Toxic Substances can also affect your development and behavior. (Dorris, 1989) concluded that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, where mothers consumed large amounts of alcohol during their pregnancy had children that lack motor coordination, delayed language, and mental retardation. Effects of the home environment (Bradley Caldwell, 1984; Brooks-Gunn et al. , 1996; McGowan Johnson, 1984) has plenty to do with development and behavior. Children that are raised around parents that do not care about what their children are doing, and how they are doing with school will most likely end up with bad behavior, and suffering consequences with the law or a higher power because of how they were raised and treated as children. A more stimulating home environment, where there are activities to keep the children busy, the parents are interacting with the children, and there are activities to keep their brain stimulated are shown to have children with higher IQ scores than the children with less of a stimulating environment that has to entertain themselves. It all comes down to what your actually believe. Heredity and environment both play roles in determining development and behavior issues. You can get your skin color from your dad being a cause of heredity, and your clothing style from the environment you were raised around. The nature vs nurture debate will never come to a full conclusion because of everyone that has totally different perspectives of the issues. This is just a situation where you have to view both sides of the argument and decide which side of the argument you favor the most, or do you believe that both nature and nurture play equal roles in a humans behavior and development. How to cite Heredity: Nature Versus Nurture and Development, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Aristophanes Essay Example For Students

Aristophanes Essay AristophanesAristophanes was a comic writer who lived between 450 and 385 BC and composed about forty plays in his lifetime. His plays were all comedies, which usually addressed very serious political and social issues in a direct and crude manner, which, like much of todays comedy, is what made them funny for the audience to watch and appreciate. Many of the comedies would even go as far as mocking members of the audience or making personal attacks upon contemporary political personalities. Aristophanes Lysistrata is no exception to this crude comedy, ridiculing what he thinks is the absurdity of the Peloponnesian War. The comedy is a brilliantly constructed piece with an extremely profound underlying message encouraging a Panhellenic society. He does not see the point of the battles within the country and wishes a unification of the city-states. Therefore through his work he wishes to enlighten the people of Greece. In order to understand the meaning behind Aristophanes play, some background history of the events leading up to the war is needed. There are three important occurrences, which ultimately led to the outbreak. It all started when Epidamnus (a colony of Corcyra) became involved in a political struggle. Democratic factions had taken control of the colonys government and forced the aristocrats out of power. In retaliation for this action the aristocrats joined with barbaric forces and attacked the city and its surrounding areas. Seeking help, the colony sent a request to Corcyra, its motherland, for military intervention. Corcyra however refused to help the Epidamnians in their political struggle, and so the colony went to the city-state of Corinth for assistance. Being itself distantly related to the people of this colony, the Corinthians sent ships to suppress the violence. This move greatly displeased the Corcyraeans who saw the Corinthians as interfering with their affairs. So in tur n, they sent their own ships to intercept the Corinthians. To counter the Corinthian action, the Corcyraeans made an alliance with Athens (who had a very bitter relationship with Corinth). Acting according to a duty to protect the Epidamnians and possibly just to stand up to the Athenians, the Corinthian fleet attacked the Corcyraeans anyway. The resulting engagement was won decisively by Corcyraeans because of the Athenian support. This act further embittered Corinth even more toward Athens. The final straw leading up to the Peloponnesian War was when Potidaea, a member of the Athenian Empire revolted against Athenian rule. The city-state built blockades to resist occupation by the Athenian army and sparked revolt elsewhere in the area, in Chalcidice and Bottiaea. Since negotiations failed, the Athenians sent troops into the region by ship. However the Athenians also had their hands full with the Macedonians in the same region and had difficulty suppressing the revolt. When Athens finally made a treaty with Perdiccas, the Macedonian leader, she found herself betrayed as the Macedonians joined alongside the Corinthians, who had come to the defense of the Potidaeans. In spite of all of this, the Athenians were able to recapture control of most of the region with the arrival of reinforcements. Seeing that their own citizens were now trapped, Corinth called a meeting of the Peloponnesian assembly at Sparta. During this meeting the complaints against the Athenian Empire reached their peak. After another meeting a month later the Peloponnesian assembly decided that war was in order. However, it was winter and war did not begin immediately. In fact the Spartans sent three different ambassadors to Athens over the course of the winter in an attempt to secure peace. The Spartans demanded that the Athenians withdraw from Potidaea and that all the city-states in northern Greece be given their freedom. Pericles response to this demand wasMen of Athens, I hold to the opini on that I have maintained consistently: do not yield to the Peloponnesians. . . (Thucydides)So in the following summer of 431 BC the Thebans, a member of the Peloponnesian League, attacked Plataea, Athens oldest ally. This drew Athens to Plataeas defense, which in turn brought the Spartans and Corinthians to the side of their ally. The Peloponnesian war had begun. .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 , .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 .postImageUrl , .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 , .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517:hover , .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517:visited , .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517:active { border:0!important; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517:active , .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517 .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3a31cc7265dac8e8eb3e396581683517:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Melissa King Analysis EssayThis is the setting behind the comedy Lysistrata, which is ridiculed by Aristophanes. While the matter at hand is a serious one, the author attempts a comedic approach to it, as a plausible solution seems hopeless. Lysistrata calls together the women of Greece in an attempt to put an end to this warSo fine it comes to this-Greece saved by Woman! Then Ill expose my mighty mystery. O women, if we could compel the men to bow to Peace, we must refrain- We must refrain form all touch of baubled love. (Lysistrata, Pg. 289, 292)She has come to the conclusion that the women of Greece can put an end to the Peloponnesian War by engaging in a sex strike, un til peace is declared. She reminds the women, that the only time their men come back from battle is to rest up and have sex with their wives. She is convinced that the women can hold up, and eventually the men would succumb to their desires. As a result the women set up camp in the Acropolis taking control of the military supplies. The final outcome is that the men are finally driven out of their minds and finally give into Lysistratas demands to put an end to the war. While this is quite the ridiculous story, it does get Aristophanes point across of a unified Greece and also reflects the absurdity of a war that is fought amongst fellow countrymen. In the story the women are representative of the different city states present in the country. Individually each woman doesnt stand a chance, but by unifying they are able to outsmart, out strategize, and conquer the men of war. Aristophanes illustrates the benefits of working together, a good example is when some of the women become weak and almost give inYou wicked women, cease from juggling lies. You want your men. But what of them as well? They toss as sleepless in the lustful night. But persevere a teeny-weeny longer. An oracle has promised Victory if we dont wrangle. (Lysistrata, P. 313)Even though some of the women were weakened, it was the support of others that helped them overcome their cravings. This gives us a reference to the good that comes out of a united group. Aristophanes using more comical examples putting light on the stupidities of this war. In a scene involving Myrrhine and her husband, Myrrhine puts her husband through tortureIm dead: the womans worn me all away. Shes gone and left me with an anguished pulse. What shall I put thee in (O woe!) Since into something thou must go, Poor little lad he pines and peeks. Our lovely girl has proved a curse. (Lysistrata, P. 319)This is all a comical twist, which appeals to the audience. Whether they realize it or not, they are being exposed to the faults of the war. Aristophanes is able to get his message across to a lot of people and in turn the word is spread. Aristophanes play serves a greater purpose than a mere comical work. He addresses his views on the Peloponnesian War. He expresses his resentment of the war and pokes fun at how illogical it truly is. Through this comedy he is able to reach the public crowd and spread his views. Words/ Pages : 1,233 / 24