Saturday, August 22, 2020

CORPORATE LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CORPORATE LAW - Essay Example The all out worth (counting premium) of the new issue will be  £ 6500. The important lawful situation in such manner is as under: The chiefs of a constrained organization can settle terms of recoveries of offers just when they are engaged by the Articles of relationship of the organization to do as such. In any case the terms endorsed in the articles are to be followed. Appropriately the procedure of reclamation to be trailed by Mirza Plc will rely on the terms either gave in its Articles of affiliation or settled by the goals of the board just when articles explicitly enable chiefs to do as such. The terms of reclamation of offers must be set down before the issuance of such redeemable offers. At the end of the day Mirza Plc can recover shares just at a superior when such term existed before issuance of its redeemable offers. By no means Mirza Plc can settle new terms of recovery of offers after issuance of such offers. That is the reason the law gives that the terms, conditions, and habits of recovery must be expressed in the announcement of capital required to be recorded with enlistment center. According to arrangement of the Companies Act, 2006, Mirza Plc may recover the offers out of undistributed benefit. However,it may back the reclamation out of a new issue. Apparently Mirza Plc has chosen to utilize both the choices. As the necessary reclamation sum is  £ 15000 (counting premium) and new issue will get just  £ 6500 (counting premium), obviously Mirza Plc will likewise be utilizing gathered benefits to pay some portion of recovery obligation. One of the conditions recommended by the Companies Act, 2006 is that premium on recovery can be paid just when offers were initially given at premium. Mirza Plc satisfies this condition as redeemable offers were given at a higher cost than expected of  £ 2500. The law necessitates that recovery must be made out of undistributed benefits, yet continues of new issue made for reclamation can be

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Human Body Transplants Cloning As A Future Prospect Thesis

Human Body Transplants Cloning As A Future Prospect Thesis Human Body Transplants: Cloning As A Future Prospect â€" Thesis Example > Cloning (Introduction)32-33Term Implications in the Modern Sense33-34DNA Cloning34-36Reproductive Cloning36-39Therapeutic Cloning39-41Xenotransplantation42-44Stem Cells44-48Chapter 5: Conclusion48-49 IntroductionThe purpose of the paper, as set out in the abstract, is to investigate to what extent the recently-developing and progressive technology of cloning can be helpful in generating organs and tissues for transplantation to needy human recipients. Many disorders of the human body, such as certain congenital conditions, cancer, trauma, infection, inflammation and other conditions can lead to organ damage and failure and the need for reconstruction. As is stated later on in the paper the number of persons with such organ reconstruction needs exceed by a large margin the number of organs available. Consequently, this results in unnecessary deaths each year, both in the United States as well as elsewhere in the world. At a period in human history when it seems that most things are possible this is considered appalling. Regenerative medicine together with tissue engineering strives to return form and function of these failed organs. Therapeutic cloning, one of all the cloning technologies available today, has great potential to become a permanent part of regenerative medicine by becoming a constant source of transplantable cells that can restore both form and function of the original sets of cells that constituted the failed organ or tissue (Koh and Atala, 2004). Nevertheless, it must be noted here that therapeutic cloning in the true sense using human embryos is unallowable under ethical considerations now or in the future as it implies destruction of an embryo, constituted to be the destruction of a potential human life. Then how can therapeutic cloning be of any help in supplying organs and tissues to be used for transplantation? There is another possibility under therapeutic cloning. The same technique that can generate human transplantable cells and ti ssues by non-reproducibly creating human embryos can also be used to create other animals like, notably pigs, that are genetically compatible to humans, especially needy recipients, and requisite transplantable organs, tissues and cells can be harvested from these genetically engineered animals for human use. The paper investigates the traditional sources of organs and finds that there is potential to increase supply from cadaveric sources as these are not totally exhausted. It also finds that bioartificial organs, tissue engineered, may return form but are not so competent to restore functionality in whole. There must be more research on this part of regenerative medicine to make it efficient enough as an alternative source. Essentially, hereafter, the paper investigates thoroughly all aspects of organ transplantation acknowledging the fact that no single technology or source can be used as the only means of deriving transplantable body parts from. Instead, for the future, with it in mind that those who need these transplantable parts have to be supplied them on an imperative basis, the paper considers a number of alternatives, all of them inclusive, that have potential to solve this major human problem in the near future. The main strategy for the introduction is to emphasize the urgency in enabling supply of transplantable organs, tissues and cells to those who may die without them. The sub-section on illegal trade in organs also demonstrates the urgency because the illegal trade is there in part because the demand for such body parts far exceeds supply in these times. It is a blotch on human dignity and much has to be done to do away with it.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Jacks Hunger for Power in The Lord of the Flies Essay

Jacks Weakness The Lord of the Flies is a gruesome story about young boys stranded on an island, who underwent a transformation from polite British choir boys to savage hooligans. One of the main difficulties the boys face during their adventures upon the island, is their method of government, they either follow the path of Ralph, the democratic leader whose main focus is to escape the despairing island; or Jack a power-hungry monarchical leader who wont ever take no for an answer. The two boys are constantly bickering and arguing over who deserves the leader-position. We all understand Ralph wants to be leader so that he can ensure that the boys will return back home, but in Jacks case, it is a constant mystery to us about why he†¦show more content†¦Although, it is starting to seem as though this â€Å"new† Jack, has a decent life upon the island, why would he ever want to change? Jacks violence that had once been simply part of his disguise, seems to have become a part of him. And it seems to be something that Jack enjoys too much, somewhat like a psychopath. â€Å"Robert was screaming and struggling with the strength of frenzy. Jack had him by the hair and was brandishing his knife.† â€Å"Then Jack found the throat and the hot blood spouted over his hands.† Jacks original plan of creating a new personality for himself seems to have gone to his head. And the psychopath within him has come alive. Once he understands his situation upon the island Jack sees it as a fresh start where he can act as a complete tyrant and have unlimited power, and by doing so, escape his fear of being publicly embarrassed, ashamed and humiliated by other children. But his â€Å"temporary† personality change seems to have completely changed him into the blood-thirsty savage that he has become. This situation can apply to so many events that have taken place throughout history. A great example would be Salieri and Mozart, Salieri who loved music, believed himself to be a talented musician and performer, until, Mozart. His jealousy andShow MoreRelatedApa: Comparison Between the Hunger Games and Lord of the Flies1576 Words   |  7 Pagesdifference of group and individual survival between the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collin, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and the 1990 film of Lord of the Flies directed by Harry Hook. BY: Becky Coutlee April, 23, 2012 D.Smith Comparing and contrasting the similarities and difference of group and individual survival between the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collin, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and the 1990 film of Lord of the Flies directed by Harry Hook. â€Å"And while the law of competitionRead More Lord Of The Flies: Jack And Roger Essay631 Words   |  3 Pages Lord of The Flies: Jack and Roger Jack and Roger are two allegorical characters in the story: quot;Lord of the Fliesquot; by William Golding. They are both characterized as killers but they are very different from one another. The two young boys start off with the same intentions but as the story progresses we begin to see the differences in their personalities. While Jacks power hunger grows, Rogers sadistic nature also grows as well. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The character of Jack isRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding1134 Words   |  5 Pagesqualities. However, for the most part, the shift and yearning of power is what corrupts. In Lord of the Flies, the author William Golding uses the dynamics of power to develop how the desire and shift of power causes chaos and creates an uncivilized environment. In Lord of the Flies, the desire and shift of power is what ends up breaking the boys feeble attempt at civilization. It is ruined through conflict and unnecessary competition. Jack’s use of tyrannical leadership, Ralph’s loss of control withRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding1540 Words   |  7 Pageslimited the liberties of its people. This era created lasting views of the concept of â€Å"good versus evil†. British author William Golding wrote his novel, Lord of the Flies, during this time and it reflects this uneasy atmosphere. The character development, along with the c arefully chosen symbolism of the novel suggests that Golding wrote Lord of the Flies as an allegory to the people and events of the Cold War, but also to present his future predictions for the Cold War; both of these exhibit the viewsRead MoreWilliam Goldings Lord of the Flies Essay1255 Words   |  6 Pagesthey were born, or would they disregard all of it and do as they please because there is no definite authority figure to tell them how to live. In William Goldings, The Lord of the Flies, he brilliantly tells a story of life and death and everything in between. His use of symbolism with the conch, beast, and lord of the flies is phenomenal. It is a story that makes you think. Every person, when faced with reality, may act civil now, but in a survival situation, human nature takes over in the endRead MoreLord of the Flies Essay1050 Words   |  5 Pagesthe novel Lord of the Flies, the boys stranded on the island turn from a group of proper, English school boys to uncivilized s avages. Adults place a nonexistent innocence on children; all humans are born with evil tendencies. Throughout the novel, William Golding reveals that not even children are purely innocent. William Golding reveals this through the controllability and power that fear has over humans, the lust for violence that humans are born with and the natural desire for power that humansRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1036 Words   |  5 Pagesone’s place in the world. In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies the main character Ralph is shocked into the realization that power can corrupt one’s logic after he is shipwrecked on an island. Through this realization Ralph discovers that his place in the world is to stand up for what he believes is right even if it is not the popular opinion. He shows his comprehension of both realizations through two main events in the novel: giving the conch its power and the prolonged argument over the importanceRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding1201 Words   |  5 PagesLord of the Flies, is a story of adventure through nature and the human conscious. A group of boys, stranded on an island, become savage instead of working together and start fighting each other. Golding’s use of the war allegory shows how children can become as ruthless as adults when put in the right setting. While on the island, personality traits surfaced, such as their savageness, their carelessness, their fear, their hunger power, and their childish pride. Golding uses a war allegory to showRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding1517 Words   |  7 Pagesthe common good of the group before any single individual. â€Å"Lord of the Flies† by William Golding explores this ideological struggle through an allegory that pits two boys – Ralph and Jack – and their respective philosophies against each other. Golding portrays Ralph as a relatable, sympathetic main character whose key focus is rescue f rom the island the boys are stranded on. As a foil to his character, Jack’s main desire is to gain power and control without care for the group’s fate. Hence, Ralph’sRead MoreFreudian Theory Into Lord Of The Flies1764 Words   |  8 Pagesperson has a significant influence on the quality of their decisions and behaviors. Golding incorporates the theme of Freudian theory into Lord of the Flies to present a psychological meaning that explains the struggles associated within everyone. Various symbols justify the characters as specific parts of Freud’s analysis of the human personality. In Lord of the Flies, Golding establishes a psychological meaning through the use of symbolism to personify Piggy, Jack, Ralph and Roger as the specific traits

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Poverty Of The United States - 1746 Words

What is poverty? A question most Americans will not have to think twice before answering. Poverty is, of course, simply a lack of money. The views of a specific person will defer when politics or morals are introduced, however, the idea stays the same. Those in poverty are there because they have less money than what has been decided to be livable. Poverty has changed significantly over the last two hundred years in the United States, and yet, the measurement has hardly changed since it was created fifty years ago. As the United States of America has because a better-established country and therefore a more prosperous country, the type of people that are considered poor has changed quite a bit. Before industrialization and immigration†¦show more content†¦The poverty line was created in the mid-1960s when a team in New York City’s Department of Health was assigned to find out exactly how many children were impoverished at that time. One of the members, Mollie Orshansk y found that there was not yet, a set way of measuring poverty, so she set out to create her own. Armed with the 1955 Department of Agriculture, which stated that families of three or more, commonly spent close to a third of their income on food. Orshansky multiplied a family’s food budget by three, and that became the poverty line, which at that time allotted $143.47 per week in today’s dollars for a family of four. This system may have worked in the 1960s, but America has changed significantly since then, the poverty must change as America does or poverty will never be measured correctly. For instance, instead of the third spent on food in the past now, the amount is closer to one fourteenth of a family’s income. Times have changed with cell phones, transportation, saving for college and childcare, what was important in the 1960s is very different to the present day. Which should drastically change how the poverty line in calculated and yet, year after year other than a slight movement for inflation the poverty line does not change (Light). However, this brings up an interesting question. What is a basic human need and what is a luxury? This idea

Videogames Benefits Free Essays

Most people think that playing video games will lead you to a life of crime, delinquency, and misery. The opposite, however, is true. Video games can be used properly to improve the coordination and concentration physically, socially, and mentally to benefit the user. We will write a custom essay sample on Videogames Benefits or any similar topic only for you Order Now Does this mean kids should spend all day playing? No. This occurs when they are used properly and in moderation. Contrary to what most of the people believes, video games can actually help your motorskills no matter how younger people are. Most of the people who play videogames do not know that there is a research that shows that certain video games can reduce fat causing global weight loss. Other sources state that doctors have instructed parents to let their children play video games to help control focus. It is found that video games can improve hand eye coordination and have been used for rehabilitation of wounded soldiers. Gamming has developed in technology that has been created for many new positive effects. Over the years video games had become popular and enhanced. Another potential benefit of video games is they aid in improving language and teaching new words of various languages. This is because every game contains certain rules and instructions according to which the game can be played. So, it is very necessary for the player to be able to understand the instruction. Video games help the child in recognizing the alphabet and numbers. It also helps in building the children vocabulary. The University of Cambridge states that in a study with one set of surgeons played video games for 3 hours a week, while the other set played none. The set that played the video games made 37 percent fewer mistakes during laparoscopic surgery and finished the surgery 27 percent faster. In a separate study, gamers and athletes were compared upon their hand eye coordination. People who played both sports and games were the highest, followed by gamers, and then athletes. In two separate studies, video game players had better success identifying items in visual environments. One study showed that people who played action games had a 20 percent better success rate in identifying a T in a cluttered environment. In another study, those who play action video games on a regular basis can process visual information faster and can track 30 percent more objects than non-gamers. (University of Cambridge) Gaming can also make you smarter. People who play video games can display intelligence by solving in-game problems. Managing multiple objectives and multiple resources is one of the goals of the game that can help you become smarter. The people can also improve their understanding ability by learning the rules of the game and what strategy works the best for the user. Since video games are driven by goals (find the princess in the White Mountain), people will have to think and analyze the environments in order to complete problems that lead them to complete the main task; so gaming will develop the areas of think and analysis of the people involved. But playing too much can lead people to addiction and many other negative consequences. The good part is that there are positive outcomes to gaming like Getting smarter, becoming better with your hands and being able to see better is a good outcome. This only applies when used properly. How to cite Videogames Benefits, Papers

Friday, April 24, 2020

Scarlet Letter By Hawthorne Idea Essays - English-language Films

Scarlet Letter By Hawthorne Idea The Scarlet Letter is a story of hypocrisy and punishment. The strict Puritan laws made adultery a sin punishable by death or a life of misery. Although being an unwed mother or an illegitimate child is no longer a crime leading to capitol punishment, the treatment of welfare mothers and their children is similar to the treatment Hester an Pearl received in Hawthorne's novel. Hester and Pearl are prime examples of the negative attitude society, both Puritan and current, has toward single mothers and their "bastard" children. Hester and Pearl are the atypical example of illegitimate child and unwed mother. The consequence of the relationship between Hester and Dimmesdale is a child out of wedlock. Hester is forced to stand with her child on a scaffold which according to Hawthorne is"invested with almost as stern a dignity as the punishment of death itself." Pearl is forced to grow up without a father and Hester is left to make a life for herself and her child with no social succor. The puritans favored laws that would force society to hear their preaching (2.Gatis, 5). To the Puritan community Hester's "A" is a mark of just punishment. According to Crime and Punishment in American History, executing adulterers was a rare event. Branding and banishment was more common than the death penalty (6.Friedman, 36). In a society where there is no separation of church and state, the letter prevents Hester from being an active member of society. Hester, or a puritan woman in her condition, is held as an example for all to behold. While Hester is forced to wear a symbol of her sin, Pearl is forced to grow up watching her mother chastised. She can not have a normal childhood, for she does not fit into society. Her father is a "dead beat dad" and lends no hand in her up bringing. Hawthorne states, "Pearl was born an outcast of the infantile world. An imp of evil, emblem and product of sin, she had no right among christened infants." In the Puritan community, the father is considered the head of household. According to Edmund S. Morgan's The Puritan Family, there was a law in Massachusetts holding the head of household responsible for teaching their children and providing instruction of civil matters. Family in the Puritan society was a means for carrying out civil purposes (5.Kerry, 16). Family life was very important and all members of the society were expected to be part of a family. Fatherless children would not fall into the category of a family unit, therefore Pearl, not having a proper family, is chastised and branded a child of the devil. Although Dimmsedale does not remain unscathed by sin, he is not punished by society. He is able to hide his participation in the evil act, and escape a punishment of death. Hester is forced to raise the child on her own without any moral or monetary support from her lover. She has to ask to be allowed to keep her child, and is forced to do so as a single mother. Although the town wants to find the father of Pearl in the beginning of the novel, the issue is not forced, and Dimmsedale escapes responsibility. Despite the suffering Dimmsedale feels internally, he still takes no initiative to help in the raising of Pearl. Although having a child out of wedlock is no longer punishable by death, and women are no longer forced to wear scarlet letters, unwed mothers are still the ones held solely responsible for their illegitimate children. Unwed mothers are branded as immoral welfare recipients who are too lazy to work. AFDC is known as a wasteful program that encourages unwed mothers to continue to have children. Much of society has not change their views since the Puritan days. At the American Enterprise Institute luncheon Charles Murray said, "The act of getting pregnant if you are not prepared to care for a child is not morally neutral, it is a very destructive act. And much as we may sympathize with a young woman who finds herself in that situation... part of arranging society so that happens as seldom as possible is to impose terrible penalties on that act (1.Conniff, 18)." This is seemingly reverting to the tactics used by the Puritans. Welfare programs for unwed mothers are thought to be a waste of tax dollars. Politicians continue to debate welfare reforms while the country continues to view unwed mothers as failures. In the article Just the Facts,