Thursday, May 21, 2020

Jacks Hunger for Power in The Lord of the Flies Essay

Jacks Weakness The Lord of the Flies is a gruesome story about young boys stranded on an island, who underwent a transformation from polite British choir boys to savage hooligans. One of the main difficulties the boys face during their adventures upon the island, is their method of government, they either follow the path of Ralph, the democratic leader whose main focus is to escape the despairing island; or Jack a power-hungry monarchical leader who wont ever take no for an answer. The two boys are constantly bickering and arguing over who deserves the leader-position. We all understand Ralph wants to be leader so that he can ensure that the boys will return back home, but in Jacks case, it is a constant mystery to us about why he†¦show more content†¦Although, it is starting to seem as though this â€Å"new† Jack, has a decent life upon the island, why would he ever want to change? Jacks violence that had once been simply part of his disguise, seems to have become a part of him. And it seems to be something that Jack enjoys too much, somewhat like a psychopath. â€Å"Robert was screaming and struggling with the strength of frenzy. Jack had him by the hair and was brandishing his knife.† â€Å"Then Jack found the throat and the hot blood spouted over his hands.† Jacks original plan of creating a new personality for himself seems to have gone to his head. And the psychopath within him has come alive. Once he understands his situation upon the island Jack sees it as a fresh start where he can act as a complete tyrant and have unlimited power, and by doing so, escape his fear of being publicly embarrassed, ashamed and humiliated by other children. But his â€Å"temporary† personality change seems to have completely changed him into the blood-thirsty savage that he has become. This situation can apply to so many events that have taken place throughout history. A great example would be Salieri and Mozart, Salieri who loved music, believed himself to be a talented musician and performer, until, Mozart. His jealousy andShow MoreRelatedApa: Comparison Between the Hunger Games and Lord of the Flies1576 Words   |  7 Pagesdifference of group and individual survival between the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collin, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and the 1990 film of Lord of the Flies directed by Harry Hook. BY: Becky Coutlee April, 23, 2012 D.Smith Comparing and contrasting the similarities and difference of group and individual survival between the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collin, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and the 1990 film of Lord of the Flies directed by Harry Hook. â€Å"And while the law of competitionRead More Lord Of The Flies: Jack And Roger Essay631 Words   |  3 Pages Lord of The Flies: Jack and Roger Jack and Roger are two allegorical characters in the story: quot;Lord of the Fliesquot; by William Golding. 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