Monday, November 4, 2019

Role of Moses in Judaism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Role of Moses in Judaism - Research Paper Example Still the Israelites, operating under the blessings of God, grew in numbers and stronger (Wheless, 19). This forced the Egyptians to introduce tighter controls against the Israelites by killing their children. It is during this time that Moses is born. This was as a result of the Israelite prayers to God, to deliver them from the Egyptian bondage. To protect Moses from death, her mother places him in a casket and it flows along the River Nile, and through Gods intervention, the Casket flows into the hands of Pharaohs daughter who adopts him as her son and therefore raised as an Egyptian prince. Moses grew up in the palace but he did not identify himself with the Egyptians. As a grown up man, Moses was not happy at the way in which his people were being treated, and he at one time killed an Egyptian for beating up an Israelite, thereby drawing the wrath of Pharaoh and fleeing to Midian and in this land, Moses met Zipporah, and married her. Zipporah was a daughter of Jethro, the priest of Median. Moses worked for him, for forty years as a shepherd, and it is while tending after the flock, that he got a visitation from God, requiring him to go back to Egypt, and to Pharaoh in particular, demanding the release of the Israelites from bondage. Moses obeyed the call from God and went back to Egypt demanding the freedom of the Israelites. Pharaoh, at first refused to grant him his wish, and through Moses, God struck Egypt with ten plagues, and it is the tenth plague that forced Pharaoh to release the Israelites. This plague was known as the plague of the first born where an angel of God, called The Angel of Death, killed all the first born male children of the Egyptians, including Pharaohs child. The first born of Israelites were saved by marking their door posts with the blood of a lamb. They had to eat the slain lamb, with bitter herbs, symbolizing their painful stay in Egypt as slaves. This was known as the Passover (Storr, 85).On leaving Egypt, Pharaoh changed his mind, and ordered his army to pursue the Israelites, and they were cornered at the Red Sea. God miraculously caused the Red sea to open and the Israelites passed over it. When the Egyptians attempted, God made the Red Sea to swallow them and therefore destroying the Egyptian army. This paper is an analysis of the Role of Moses in Judaism. It highlights, in detail, why Moses is regarded as an important Jewish prophet and teacher of God’s word. The paper analyses the first five books of the bible that are credited to Moses, namely Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Numbers and Leviticus. The paper highlights how Mosaic laws shaped the thinking of the Jews and their historical celebrations. It also highlights his role as a savior, taking them away from Egypt, into the Promised Land. There is also the mention of the Ten Commandments which forms the basis of the Jewish laws and traditions and the aspect of religion in him being the first person in the bible to introduce the Israelites into the knowledge of their God, Jehovah. This paper mentions the various wars that Moses led the children of Israel into during their exodus, and through faith, how they won this wars. This paper has a conclusion, which talks of other Prophets of Israel whom the Jews regard as important in their Judaist practices. Approximately, a thousand years after the death of Abraham, his descendants lived in

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